Hey all! Sorry if it seems like I dropped off the face of the earth but we had no wireless internet capabilities at the in-laws house this weekend! So between the traveling on back to back weekends and the crazy week at work this week (migraines will most likely occur), I have decided to take a short blog-cation this week. I need to tend to my house (which is a disaster) and catch up on some projects and to-dos I haven't gotten done. But don't worry - I will be back soon!
In the meantime though, because I always feel the need to multi-task, I wanted to ask you guys to please fill out a short survey for me. It is only 13 questions so it shouldn't take long. I am honestly looking for feedback about what you like, don't like, and would like to see more of as I continue on my little blog journey.
Thanks again! You guys are the best! Oh and if you want to make your own survey - it is totally free through Google Docs. Check out this tutorial for all the details!

This sort of survey is a great idea. I'm interested to know how you did it.