May 29, 2011

How to Strip and Restain a Dresser

Update: The Nursery is finally finished!  Hop over and check out the full reveal!

Well we finally got one of our big to-do’s done for the nursery!!  The dresser has been refinished!  Here is what she looks like now and the rest of the post is how we got there.


If you remember from my “base” nursery post – the dresser was originally part of our guest bedroom suite.  But there was going to be no room for it in our guest bedroom/office.  So I decided that I wanted to keep it in the nursery and use it as our dresser/changing table.  This served both the purpose of giving it a home in our house and saved quite a bit of money in our nursery budget.  Here is a before picture of the dresser. 

I have loathed this dresser for almost 5 years – surprisingly the same amount of time that this dresser has lived in my house.  I am not a big “oak” fan – so after we picked out the crib – I knew I wanted to strip this puppy down and restain it darker to match the crib.  Add some new hardware and it would be perfect.  But I have always heard that stripping was such a pain. 

People – I am here to tell you that stripping and restaining is not as bad as what you may have thought.  In fact – having refinished a piece by painting it and refinished a piece by stripping and restaining, I prefer stripping and staining.  Now I didn’t know that at the start of this journey, so I had to get a good inspiration piece to help get the courage up to take on the project.  The piece I found for this redo was this dresser from Restoration Hardware

Now the dresser from Restoration Hardware runs $1249.  Loved the color and the hardware was perfect!  I was hoping that we would get this project done for significantly less than that.  And we did – our cost for this redo was $50.  So here is how we did it!

First, the hubby stripped each of the drawers and the dresser frame itself with Citri-strip Spray stripper.  Below is a pic of the product and a drawer that had already been stripped.  This stuff was amazing (and I am not being compensated in anyway to say that – we just loved the product)!  It doesn’t smell chemical at all and was perfect for getting in the crevices of the drawers and trim on the dresser. 


Once you spray it on – you leave it there for awhile while it loosens the old finish.  Then you just start stripping it off with a plastic scraper. You can see below how easy it comes off! 


Once all the stain was off – the hubby sanded everything down and we started staining.  We used Cabot Stain in Maple Leaf which is one of the custom colors that you can get mixed at the store. 


Once the first coat got on – I was really excited about how good it was looking. 


Another coat of stain and then a coat of poly and we ended up with our final product.  Here she is again below!!


Loving the hardware?  Yeah me too!  The cup pulls were the perfect addition and I got them for a steal on Amazon.  $2.19 a piece which is WAY less than what they were charging at the hardware store.


I love love love it!  And it is a perfect match to our crib!


The nursery is coming together very quickly!  I think I should be able to share with you guys within the next couple weeks!  I have a few more projects to finish and then it will be ready for its reveal.  Of course – hopefully that will be before Lil Man makes his appearance! 

So tell me – have you ever stripped or restained anything?  Was it as hard as you thought it would be?  If you haven’t – do you think you might try now?  I wanna know!

Linking this up to

Metamorphosis Monday with Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch
Get Your Craft On with Kim @ Today’s Creative Blog
Tutorials and Tips Tuesday with Beth at Stories of A to Z
Show and Tell with Becca @ Blue Cricket Designs
Transformation Thursday with Gina @ The Shabby Chic Cottage
Weekend Wrap Up Party with Jen @ Tatertots and Jello
Saturday Nite Special with Donna @ Funky Junk Interiors

Before and After Party with Sarah @ Thrifty Decor Chick

Furniture Feature Friday with Miss Mustard Seed @ Miss Mustard Seed


  1. That looks great! Did you find it was difficult to get into the areas around the drawer edges?

  2. Hi Jess! Oh, what a great tutorial! Your dresser looks wonderful!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Loooove this!! I have been waiting for this post! After we talked about this, I got to thinking. I really want to strip and restain our kitchen table. Yes I know I am going wood when everyone has painted kitchen tables but a girl's gotta be different!! I think yours looks great!! I am sooo ready to tackle mine now!!

  4. It's a dead ringer for the Restoration Hardware one that inspired you. Where did you find the product to remove the original stain? I would love to use it.

  5. Brandon - actually we used a grout tool to get all the stain out of the areas around the drawer. Worked like a charm!

  6. When I saw your 'before' I thought - nah, it can't be! But it is! What a fabulous makeover! I love the stain but I can't believe what a difference the drawer pulls make. Incredible.

    Love the wood tones in your nursery. Coming along beautifully!

  7. This is great, Jess! What a transformation!!

  8. Verrry nice! :) I'm glad you were able to re-use something with such a pretty outcome. I have an antique dresser from my grandmother. Your blog is inpsiring me to re-finish it. I've been looking at it for years thinking it should be re-done. You just might have given me the nidsge that I need. Thanks :)

  9. I can't believe thats the same piece. Great job!!!

  10. Thank you for this step by step tutorial. I found a dresser at the Goodwill that I want to use as a buffet but I am a little scared to try and strip and stain it. But not now. I want to do it! :)

    Blessings and Have a Happy Week!

    LaVonne @ Long Wait For Isabella

  11. WOW!!! it turned out so nice..I have never stripped and stained only painted..I think I am going to give it a try..

  12. SO beautiful. So much more beautiful than everybody going crazy and painting over everything. I just completed my first restaining project that didn't work! :( It was so old that the stain just seemed to be part of the word and I ended up painting it white, which I never do and you can see on my latest blog post. But so glad yours turned out!

  13. It looks SO much like the inspiration piece. Great job. I have tried the stripping and staining yet. Perhaps I might.

  14. very beautiful!!!!!Thanks for the tutorial:)!

  15. I would love for you to link it up to my party that is running now. Any linky goes.

    Come strut your stuff.

  16. Just want to say that you did a fantastic job on this piece! I pass up on so many oak pieces because I don't feel like painting them but this stripping and staining seems do-able,Thanks forr sharing! Your baby's nursey is beautiful!

  17. janice Beautiful love love it wanted to know were u get the stain from

  18. This is motivating! How long did it take you two start to finish?

  19. I would like do this someday. Have my smile ear to ear after the finished product.

  20. Where did you find the Citri-strip Spray stripper?

  21. how much sanding did hubby have to do? we are working on a oak desk and the same stain is really not soaking into the oak wood? frustrated

  22. I was wondering how many cans of the stripping spray you had to use? I was reading the reviews on Home Depots website and they said it works great but one can doesn't go a long way. Just wondering so I don't run out mid process...I'm planning on refinishing a dresser for our nursery as well! Yours came out amazing!

  23. Gorgeous. I have so much 1990s oak that needs this treatment! Thanks.

  24. You think this would work on kitchen cabinets?

  25. I have redone many pieces of furniture but always have super bad luck with poly. Many times it bubbles or is foggy. I have resanded and repainted / revarnished many pieces due to poly messups! How did you apply yours? What kind did you use?

  26. I've wanted to strip our kitchen table and sand it down, but have been terrified of ruining it. This inspires me to try it!

  27. I have an old dresser that was mine when I was a little girl. Then my sister used it and later in years my daughter. I just finished restoring it and I love it!!! I it was finished a light oak and I decided to stain it mahogany! Beautiful. Thought I'd share a couple hints to questions I seen here.

    Poly is a very scarey thing. I too have had troubles in the past with bubbles and it drying like sand paper. At the advice of our local lumber yard, this time I used Water based Poly. Great stuff!!! No smell and water clean up. And if you put it on lightly ( i have a tendency to over do) and brush it out real good and smooth you will not get the bubbles. Another bubble preventitive hint. Do NOt dipped your brush into the can of poly. Either pour out as needed onto a plate or something (i used a lid off a 5gal bucket) or pour directly onto the piece then brush quickly. Everytime you dip your brush into the can you put bubbles into the poly!

    Good luck to all of you and Jess you did a great job!! Looks good and wasn't it fun?!?!

  28. I have stripped dozens of pieces of furniture. From mirror frames to chairs to you name it. I love doing,it's a great stress reliever and the results are soooo worth it. Many of my grandparents things are now proudly displayed in my home or my children's home. I hate painting!!!

  29. Is the stripping spray very toxic fume wise?

  30. This is so neat! Do you think I could strip a cherry finished dresser & stain it a more natural wood color?? I see you ( and others) went from a light color wood to dark, so wondering if the opposite would work. Look forward to any advice you may have!!

  31. Hi, Jess. Congrats on the major $ savings. Nice work on the dresser and I love the drawer pulls, too. Yes, I've refinished several items, including an old oak dining set, with 6 chairs & buffet. The finish on the dining set was probably lacquer and melted easily with liquid refinisher, fine steel wool and lots of rags and many gloves. The original finish was so dark that you couldn't see the beautiful burled wood in the door insets. I really liked the golden stain that remained and the remover didn't raise the grain so I didn't sand or add more stain, so I just applied several coats of a "tung oil" wiping varnish. It was worth the work but I did question my sanity before I completed the project.

    Just a reminder, if there is any question whether a piece has value as an antique, consult a professional for options to restore and maintain the value. For Kristina, take care when refinishing dark cherry finished furniture with the intent to make it lighter, unless you know it is genuine cherry. If you are unsure, test an inconspicuous area first. Cherry wood is a light pinkish color but as cherry ages or ripens in the presence of light, it gets darker and eventually reaches a rich reddish brown. Cherry has a simple, fine, closed grain, much like that of maple. Fake "cherry" wood often has little or no grain pattern. It's made by taking a cheaper wood, bleaching it, texturizing it with chemicals, then staining it with a "cherry" stain. Are there occasional black flecks and black streaks in the wood? Real cherry has beautiful markings (from gum streaking, mineral deposits and pin knots). Fake cherry looks entirely uniform in grain due to the chemical processing mentioned above. It's unlikely you'll ever find black flecks or streaks in faux cherry woods.

    My current crafting is making and donating hair bows, but this certainly took me back. :-)

  32. Well done!! Love it! I too just finished stripping an old dresser for a nursery. I used the citri-strip gel. It's no drip and is brushed on. I had 5 layers of paint to remove. Wasn't as quick as one layer of varnish and stain. But the stuff does an amazing job. So just fyi to anyone wanting ideas for stripping furniture.
    Thx again. Love it

  33. We tried striping years and layers of paint off our old original windows. Our house was built in 1856. I'm guessing over time moisture and age must have weakened the wood. Stripping caused the wood to disintegrate in some places, especially around the fine details. If we weren't extremely careful, scraping would leave gouges in the wood and shave away chunks. :(

  34. This FANTASTIC! You did a great job, thanks so much for sharing it with us!

  35. When I sw this post, I was hoping you stripped using the Citrus products. I had bought some but have not had the courage to try it yet. Now I feel a lot more confident.

  36. Looks amazing. How did you do the poly in only one coat, and what kind did you use?

  37. I actually recently tried stripping a piece of furniture (the week before Thanksgiving) and it was AWFUL. I got this liquid stripper stuff, I can't remember what it's called but it wasn't one of the cheap-o ones. I actually read the directions and all that and it sounded like a legit stripper (hahaha, sorry). I poured some into a metal container like the directions said and lathered some on the top of my piece of furniture. The directions said it takes about 30 minutes, so I checked on it at 30 minutes and it had pretty much not done anything. Then Hubs told me I need to be more generous with the stripper (>.<) so I added some more. It worked a heck of a lot better but I still wasn't happy with it so I gave up. Maybe it's the brand? Maybe it's the operator (no doubt)? Maybe I'll try the brand you used and see how it works! =]

  38. I'm inspired to strip and stain some oak bookshelves that I've been hating in our living room. Everything in that room is so brown. Anyhow I want to try one of those color stains now. Thanks for the push!

  39. This gives me hope for a 70's style oak cube I'd like to redo. Also, I just wanted to mention that you can find some incredible buys on drawer pulls and other hardware on ebay. I redid the pulls in my craftroom (40 drawers and cabinets) with some very stylish birdcage pulls (they look like several thick wires twisted in a spiral) Lowes wanted $7 a piece for these pulls. I purchased in bulk on eBay for an astounding $0.79 a piece! So always check eBay before you shell out the bucks for hardware.

    Thanks again! I'm really psyched about stripping my cube!

    Second Hand Roze

  40. Nice job. I have my own stripping project that's in limbo right now. A warning to all stripping is easy, UNLESS you are tackling a piece that has multiple layers of paint on it! I discovered the buffet I wanted re-done has 6 layers of paint. I'm using the same stripper you are, and it is a great product, but just takes forever to get to the original wood with all the layers to get through. Currently, my piece is languishing away in my garage.

  41. blog page is available

  42. I once stripped and repainted a dresser that was probably last painted in the 1960s. It was the worst time of my life but oh so satisfying to transform this ugly scrubs green dresser into something modern and cute. I used the product you listed above. I would say, if you're stripping something that was last painted in the 60s, you're going to need something stronger. Oh yeah, and you'll make a mess.

  43. I would NEVER have tried a project like this before, but head's swimming with possibilities for a couple of old night tables!

  44. Didn't you have to sand between stripping and staining? I thought that was necessary to get the bare wood to accept the stain... Thanks for answering.

  45. It is beautiful. Just curious as to how many cans of stripper did you have to buy?

  46. I started to strip something once, but it was so hard to get it out of the crevices that I gave up. I left it on the back porch and then all the neighborhood cats peed on it, so even when I got another urge to tackle it, it was ruined. Sad story.

  47. I have stripped a wide variety of furniture. It seems to me, the ease in stripping comes from what paint or varnish is on the furniture, not from the stripper I choose to use. And the type of wood effects the final out come more than the type of stain.

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