July 25, 2010

Dimming Down a Too Bright Paint Job

So this weekend,I did not do any thrifting. This is for two reasons. One - it is freaking HOT here! Two - the hubby told me I needed to finish up all the "projects" I brought home before I adopted any more. So - my project for this weekend was revamping this Welcome Sign I got last weekend for $2.

If you remember - I was debating if I should do it blue gray or navy.  You guys all weighed in (which I very much appreciate) and I was considering all of this when I stood in the paint aisle.  And instead of going grey blue or navy blue - I went ... Bahama Sea Blue (Krylon brand).  Something about the turquoise color really called to me.

So I got home and gave the sign a couple coats.  And it came out a little too bright.  Ok - actually A LOT too bright. 

Ummm... yeah, not quite what I was going for actually.  However, I remembered that when I did my spring apples that came out a little too bright that Heidi from Heart & Home recommended using a little brown shoe polish to bring them down a couple notches.  So I pulled that out and gave the sign a little wash and I think the finished project came out right where I wanted it.  So what do you think?

  I like it much better!  The shoe polish gives it an more aged weathered look.

Actually - it almost looks more like ironstone or metal than ceramic now due to the gloss finish on the spray paint!  I LOVE it!

Here is a better shot of our entryway!  Isn't it cute?

So cute - that is IF you take out the creepy ghost child hand (so dubbed by Miss Cape on the Corner).  Seriously - we lived here for a month before I noticed it was there. 

Either way I like it!  (Though I must find a way to exorcise the Ghost Child.) What tips do you have to "modify" a paint job that has come out too bright?  And do you have any idea how to get white paint off brick??  Lemme know!

Linking this up with 

And I am linking this up to the CSI Project's Spray Paint Challenge!
Visit thecsiproject.com


  1. I love it. The shoe polish really made a difference. Thanks for the tip!!!

  2. Jess I love how it turned out. Putting the touch of brown on it totally made it :)

  3. I'm sorry I don't have any paint removal tips, but you know what? I LIKE the ghost-hand. I guess I'm a little weird that way - LOL - but it's a wonderful conversation starter! I do think the Welcome sign turned about fabulous! Ihad never heard the tip about using shoe polish to tone it down a bit, but I sure like the result!

  4. It looks great, gives your front door a lot of personality and makes it seem very welcoming!

  5. That's very nice...well done.
    (I just came by here from BlogFrog..)

  6. The color you chose looks great on your front door. Very welcoming.


  7. Wow, that really was bright! I can't believe how nice it looks now. Who knew shoe polish would do that?

  8. lol, first i love the turquoise taken down a notch, it looks great this way. sort of antiqued, sort of weather worn. nice.

    thanks for my shout out with the creepy ghost hand...seriously. it looks like it's in the wall, and trying to get out! like those kids in the mirror...you know?

  9. Love the sign. I would try a high grit sandpaper to remove the paint from your bricks.

  10. Looks terrific. I liked the color before, but I like this look too! Great advice! Maybe try some sandpaper on that hand?

  11. Looks great! The shoepolish really did the trick. I'll have to tuck that away for future use :)
    Kate, over at bower power had some paint on her brick, and she did an entire post on how she and her hubby got rid of it. Check it out, she gave some great tips.

  12. I love your "new" welcome sign, Jess! The color is just perfect! You did a great job!

  13. The blue color is so much more cool and chic than the expected red. Nice change!

  14. Oh my goodness, I love it!
    It is my favorite color!
    Thank you for sharing~

  15. Hi, rubbing alcohol melts latex paint. I put it in a spray bottle and mist multiple times then use a stiff scrub brush. Remember those little hand prints are precious though!

  16. I can't believe the difference brown show polish made. It's gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.
    God's blessings,
    Sarah :D

  17. I like the turquoise with the shoe polish - but I love the ghost hand! I saw it right away and it made me smile. But, then again, I'm weird. *grin*

  18. Love the shoe polish idea and the glitter on the tombstones in another of your posts : )


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