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[ April 4, 2011 | Posted in | | ]

For some strange reason – I am possessed to decorate for Easter this year.  Maybe it is all the great ideas I am seeing from you guys.  Maybe it is all the baby hormones in my system.  Either way – I decided to “color” some eggs and make a little centerpiece.  What I came up with is below – the rest of the post is how we got there!


So for starters – I had these cardboard eggs that I picked up on clearance last year at Hobby Lobby after Easter.  I figured plain ole eggs could be used in a multitude of projects.  Who would have thought it would have taken me a year to do anything with them.  Anyways – I just jabbed a bamboo skewer into the bottom of them and decided to paint them up.


I didn’t have the perfect pastel colors in my paint stash – but I did have some white paint that I used to “mellow” out some of my more vibrant colors.  I went ahead and painted them and let them dry.  Like what I am using to “weigh down” my little buckets?  I tell you – when I craft – we get sophisticated!  :)


So once they were dry – I arranged them ever so slightly more artistically in my little galvanized buckets (which I already had) and then topped them off with a little moss.  And ta-da!  Centerpiece!


They are like little egg topiaries!  I just love em!  I feel like they just really brighten up the whole space.


Sometimes – just the littlest bit of color can add all kinds of smiles to your day! 


So what about you?  Have any bright pops of color brightening your day?  Anyone else have any crazy urges to decorate for Easter?  I wanna know if it is just me!

Linking this up to

Get Your Craft On with Kim @ Today’s Creative Blog
Tip Me Tuesday with Laurie @ Tip Junkie
Power of Paint Party with Maryann @ Domestically Speaking
Show and Tell with Becca @ Blue Cricket Design
Show and Share Day with Chris @ Just a Girl

12 frugal friends said ...

MrsHull said... @ April 4, 2011 at 10:44 PM

Great idea. I just picked up an old book today called, "Egg Craft." I can't wait to get started! I wonder if this would work with some hollow eggs?

Oh, My Darling said... @ April 4, 2011 at 10:46 PM

Aw, this is such a supercute idea!

Savannah Granny said... @ April 5, 2011 at 12:05 AM

You are so right! They do brighten up the area. I also love the white pitcher.
Hugs, Ginger

Unknown said... @ April 5, 2011 at 7:21 AM

very cute and creative!

Karen said... @ April 5, 2011 at 7:22 AM

That's so cute. You're going to be such a great mom, I just know you'll be that mom who let's the kids finger paint whenever they want.

Erin said... @ April 5, 2011 at 7:34 AM

Love your eggs Jess, that is super cute and easy...gonna have to go to Hobby Lobby!!

Screaming Sardine said... @ April 5, 2011 at 10:34 PM

I really like these. So simple, yet so colorful and pretty. :)

Tracy All Thumbs Crafts

Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva said... @ April 6, 2011 at 11:48 AM

Wow! Love it, and think I may have to go get me some eggs! Visiting from Show and Tell at Blue Cricket.
{$15 Amazon GC Giveaway} 

laxsupermom said... @ April 8, 2011 at 8:37 AM

Adorable centerpieces! Love the bright pops of color! Thanks for sharing.

Dana @ Cooking At Cafe D said... @ April 8, 2011 at 12:44 PM

Very cute!
Those eggs are bright and cheery - perfect!

Who said that adorable has to be labor intensive, anyway?!

We're giving away a very simple...yet (I think adorable) Rustic Easter Basket - perfect for a centerpiece!

Stop by, to enter.

abo-bder said... @ April 8, 2019 at 5:00 PM

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abo-bder said... @ April 8, 2019 at 5:03 PM

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