And who am I? I'm Jess - an incurable bargain hunter and lover of all things design and decor related. I'm married to a wonderful man, the hubby, and mother to three extremely bossy cats. We just announced that we are expecting our first little one in July and we are very excited for all the new things that will bring to our lives!
I work full time and this blog is my creative outlet from the grind of all things corporate that drain the life out of me. I have always been an incurable bargain hunter. In my early 20's it was clothes and shoes. But now that I have married and settled down, those domestic hormones have kicked in and I am all about nesting. Some of that instinct was hampered by "the situation" - which in a nutshell was that were stuck trying to sell our home in another state due to layoffs and a move. Luckily, we have finally sold our home! However, we have decided to stay renters for the time being while we build back up our nest egg. Nesting while living in a nomadic limbo is a little difficult, but this blog helps me release those crazy pent-up feelings!
My goal in life is to create a fantastic space without breaking the bank. Sometimes that involves doing it yourself - so I'm learning step-by-step how to make it or fake it with DIY projects. I am not afraid to get crafty with some Mod Podge or go all out with a nail gun and air compressor to make it work. Feel like you don't know enough to be able to tackle it yourself? Well, for most of these projects, it will be my first time too! I don't have all the answers - but I will show you my stumbles so you can learn as I go!
But I also know not everyone is into crafty projects and DIY. For many of us buying it is less of a hassle than making it it. So I also pepper my crafty and DIY posts with great bargains and finds that you can simply add to a cart and enjoy in your home. Easy as store bought pie! (Mmm... pie! Did I mention that I am also easily distracted!)
So welcome to my place. Feel free to kick off your shoes, do some shopping and get inspired!