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[ October 31, 2010 | Posted in | | ]

A while ago – I was contacted by the good folks at Dremel who asked me if I would like to try out their two new products.  The Dremel Trio and Dremel Multi Max.  I said “Of course!!!” because I love my original Dremel tool!  So they sent them over.  But with moving and such, I hadn’t had a weekend free to play with them yet.  That and I needed to find something that I wanted to do!  (Disclaimer: While Dremel did send me these fantastic tools – I have received no other compensation for this post and my words and opinions are my own.)


Then I saw Beckie’s  guest post she did on Thrifty Decor Chick where she showcased this beautiful wall panel.  Beckie blogs over at Infarrently Creative – and she is an absolute genius!  So I started thinking about that panel and decided I wanted to do something similar myself – inspired by Beckie! 

So first – I went out and got a 2’x4’ piece of birch plywood from Lowe’s – ran about $8.  I decided to do two vertical panels so I traced out those lines first. 


I decided I wanted to do a vine motif pattern on mine, but I couldn’t find a good stencil I wanted to use.  So I went back and checked out Beckie’s post.  Of course – she traced her design by hand!  Was I that brave?  Well after much web soul searching, I decided to just wing it and trace it out myself.  I also tried to be “smart” about it and trace any defects or blemishes into the design. 


I then grabbed my handy dandy Dremel Trio and started cutting out my design.  The Trio can work as a jig or a router or a sander.  Handy little beast!  And cutting into wood with the Trio was so simple.  You just put the bit at a 90 degree angle and start it up and plunge in. 


And it cuts like butter!  Ooh!  It took me no time to cut out my design.  Though I did decide for stability that I wouldn’t cut out quite as much as I had drawn.  I also left it whole instead of cutting it in half to start which also helped the wood be less shaky when cutting since it was so thin. 


Next up – I had to sand down the rough edges.  So simple – first I took the Multi Max (cordless and I love it) to the back to take off any rough edges underneath where the plywood may have splintered.  Took me so little time – I forgot to take a picture of it!  Oops!  (Bad Blogger!!)  Then to get the detailed edges of my design – I attached a grinding bit to my regular Dremel.  Worked perfectly.


Next – I cut some molding out with my miter box and glued it on to the frame.  I then took the panels out and gave them a nice spray of ORB paint.   Don’t they look purdy!  


So here they are mounted up on the wall! 


I decided to put them on the large expanse of wall behind our front door.  Really works well in the space there.  They pop off the wall and I think the cut out gives them some great 3-D depth! 


Here is a closer shot so you can see some of the detail! 


Ah … now all that’s left is to do something about those vertical blinds!  Oh well – we are never done are we!


So – what do you think?  Are you itching to get some wood and pick up some tools? 

Make it for Monday with Cindy @ Cottage Instincts
Making the World Cuter Monday with Tiff @ Making the World Cuter

Made by You Monday with Cindy @ Skip to my Lou 
Anything Related with Rebekah & Bridgette @ All Thingz Related
Boardwalk Bragfest with Jan @ Bobbypins Boardwalk
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Weekend Wrap Up Party with Jen @ Tatertots and Jello
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41 frugal friends said ...

Mel said... @ October 31, 2010 at 8:17 PM

They turned out fantastic. I bet you feel proud every time you look at them.

- Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl said... @ October 31, 2010 at 8:27 PM

Very nice! I need to get my hands on one of those Dremel tools!

Thanks for sharing!

Kim@Chattafabulous said... @ October 31, 2010 at 8:47 PM

These turned out beautifully. I must get over my fear of power tools!!

Sherri said... @ October 31, 2010 at 8:52 PM

VERY neat! Inexpensive but yet look SO very chic on the walls. Great job on using the power tools. I totally would defer that job. LOL

Anonymous said... @ November 1, 2010 at 3:28 AM

You did a great job, Jess. I assume that your Dremel tools are electric. I made a mistake by purchasing TWO (2) rechargeable Dremels. They are a total waste of money and a big disappointment. The charge doesn't last through one sanding project. Might as well toss them. These electic pieces are a whole different story. They did a great job on your cool project. I love the artwork!

Karen said... @ November 1, 2010 at 7:30 AM

OMG, Jess, they look fantabulous!

Erin said... @ November 1, 2010 at 8:07 AM

First, these look fabulous, great job!!! I would love a Dremel tool, all the things I could do!!! I am jealous, but still love you:)

Amie {Kitty Cats and Airplanes} said... @ November 1, 2010 at 9:23 AM

I LOVE these!! My MIL has some wood tools...now all I need is the wood! Excellent job, they look fantastic!
Amie @ http://kittycatsandairplanes.blogspot.com

the cape on the corner said... @ November 1, 2010 at 10:18 AM

looks great, jess! really fills the space and is something you completely made yourself! woot!

Anonymous said... @ November 1, 2010 at 10:19 AM

wow! love them! too bad my husband doesn't trust me with the power tools LOL!

Tru said... @ November 1, 2010 at 11:12 AM

These turned out great. I would love it if you kept us apprised of how the Trio works with other projects. Some of the reviews out there are not so favorable, mostly having to do with the bits breaking and the need to buy specialized bits that are expensive and don't fit anything else. I am on the fence about getting one of the Trios. I wish they would send me one to try! HA!

The Wool Acorn said... @ November 1, 2010 at 6:39 PM

Well, that's fantastic! I saw you just before me on All Thingz Related.


Holly said... @ November 1, 2010 at 7:25 PM

Jess! Those panels look amazing! Just bought my husband the dremel and he hasn't even opened it. I'm going to steal it while he's at work tomorrow.

Unknown said... @ November 1, 2010 at 9:38 PM

That is a really cool idea! I am not real handy with power tools so I am not sure if I could do this or not but it looks fantastic. :)

It's A Priceless Life said... @ November 1, 2010 at 9:47 PM

Those are absolutely beautiful!! So simple, yet so elegant! I love, love, love them!! I need to get some of that ORB paint!
I'm your newest follower...come check out my blog when you have some time :-)

Unknown said... @ November 1, 2010 at 9:48 PM

Holy Smokes!! This is such an incredible tutorial. Don't be surprised if you see it on Tip Junkie very soon. It's fantastic!

jen @ {decor junkie} said... @ November 2, 2010 at 1:49 AM

What a fun project! I remember seeing Beckie's guest post too and wanting to try that -- now after seeing yours, I definitely need to! Thanks for sharing, it turned out great!

Anonymous said... @ November 2, 2010 at 8:52 AM

That's pretty damend awesome!

Anonymous said... @ November 3, 2010 at 5:41 AM

Jess, you know I love them. Thank you for sharing the inspiration on the Boardwalk Bragfest. They are marvelously creative and you executed the design perfectly.

Young Wife said... @ November 3, 2010 at 10:10 AM

They look fantastic!

Infarrantly Creative said... @ November 3, 2010 at 8:53 PM

Squuuueal! They look fantastic Jess! I am so proud of you. Thanks for the shout out!

Lisa said... @ November 5, 2010 at 9:18 AM

These are so cool! We have a dremel and I always ask my husband what we can use it for. Now I have something to make!

Beth @ The Goad Abode said... @ November 6, 2010 at 8:13 AM

My husband's been wanting a Dremel tool and this project is helping to convince me :) Great project, thanks for sharing!
...stopping by from TaJ Weekend Wrapup Party...Have a great weekend!

durga said... @ December 6, 2010 at 8:39 AM

My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

Power Tools

EZY4UHosting said... @ March 23, 2011 at 6:47 AM

I would love to do something like this PLUS add them to a shadow box and add LED lighting.

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ravermom666 said... @ May 4, 2011 at 2:58 PM

I was trying to find something for my grandkids to make for my daughter for Mother's Day....their was Craft Junkie, and then it linked to your site and WOW, just what I was looking for!! My daughter just moved into her first home she bought all by herself. Her husband died 2 years ago just a month after their baby was born. Anyway, the walls of her house are massive. She loves art like your design, now...thanks and on to Lowes for new wood. Rose PS: any ideas for old 12"w 4ft long old fencing?? Weathered of course!

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