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[ June 15, 2010 | Posted in | | ]

For all my fabric lovers out there - it is time to come clean.  We've all done it.  You walk by "those fabrics".  You know the ones on the little hangers ... the "special" order fabrics.  The ones that have price tags that make me cringe inside and know I could get two pairs of shoes at Target for one yard.  We've all touched them.  Loved them.  And then we sigh - get real and walk away. 

However, on Saturday - I came across a pile of these lovely fabrics at a yard sale!  And there they were - in a dusty garage - and I was drawn to them.  Me and like six other women, circling a table like sharks with a pile of fabric where each exquisite little piece was on sale for a quarter.  I have seen them on sale and clearance on JoAnn's for $2.00 but this was intense!  We were all "Oh - excuse me!  So sorry!" which was code for "I want that one - BACK off!"  It was a little crazy!  But I made it out alive and with my beauties!  I picked out a bunch - shown below - and knew what I wanted to make out of them.   

Pillows - yeah I know right so original.  But stay with me for a second.  If you have been following for awhile you know that I got the couch and chair in our Living Room free when we moved.  The chair didn't come with any pillows and the ones on the couch just blend right into it.  See below. (The fuzzy thing in the middle of the couch is a cat!  And yes that coffee table is still there and killing me - no decisions yet on a finish.)

So I have been wanting some pillows with some pop and I thought blue would be a great color.  The fabric samples I got were 17x17 square so I made some regular 16x16 square pillows and some 12x16 accent pillows.  I will have a total of eight when I get finished.

Here are my tips for doing this yourself without any sewing! I am going to step you through the making the accent pillow but I think you will get the gist if you want to make the larger pillow.  First, you need a neutral shade for the backing that matches the print of the pillow and some Stich Witchery to do this project.  I found a beautiful gold burlap like linen and a gold matelasse fabric in the remnants bin at Joann's (50% off the already marked down price).  You just need to make sure the remnant is at least 17 inches wide (or the width of your sample).

To start, you need to cut out a piece of your remnant to be 11 inches long and 17 inches wide.  Fold down one edge and make a seam and iron it down with a little bit of the Stitch Witchery.  Then line up the un-seamed edge of your back fabric with your fabric swatch and add a little Stitch Witchery around the side and top edges.  Iron this, let cool, and then run your finger around the edge to make sure it is all sealed. 
Next, you just flip up the bottom and add some of the Stitch Witchery to the sides.  Again let cool and check to ensure you have a full seal on each edge.
Flip the pillow inside out and add your pillow form!  Ta-da! Pillow!  To make the 16x16 you basically follow the same steps except cut a 11 inch long and a 10 inch long piece and double those up to make your back.  See below.
Here are the ones I have finished.  I still have a couple to go.  Can't wait to show you the whole picture with them on the couch! 
So have you ever done anything with these fabric samples?  Have you ever lusted over one that you just adored?  Let me know!
Linking this up with

Also linking this up to the CSI Project's Pillow Project.

Visit thecsiproject.com

17 frugal friends said ...

Elizabeth said... @ June 15, 2010 at 7:43 AM

Ooooh...I love them!!! You really make me want to try my hand at no-sew pillows, but, call me crazy, but it still seems a bit daunting to me!! I'd love to be able to do pillows, they can add so much to a room! They are just beautiful, Jess - I love them!

Kim@Chattafabulous said... @ June 15, 2010 at 7:48 AM

Hey, I think maybe even I could do this! Never used fabric samples before but how perfect! So excited - here in Chattanooga we're awaiting the arrival of our first JoAnn's this fall. Can't wait and I'm going to try this. Thanks for the tutorial!

Shelly @Crafty Creative Studio said... @ June 15, 2010 at 11:51 AM

Yum! I think I am drooling..... Can't wait too see all of them!

Laura said... @ June 15, 2010 at 12:16 PM

The pillow turned out so pretty! I love the fabric you chose.

I am hosting a giveaway and I'd love it if you stopped by!

Laura @ along for the ride

Ela@NewFamilyOnTheBlock.com said... @ June 15, 2010 at 7:04 PM

Would love it if you would join me for my 2nd linky party tonight!!



asnipofgoodness said... @ June 16, 2010 at 7:11 AM

beautiful! I have often wondered what stores do with those samples when they are discontinued! I love the fabrics you chose, and the pillows look very professional!

Brenbren said... @ June 16, 2010 at 6:05 PM

Wonderful! I want to feature this. With your permission, I would use one photo and send my readers over here for the tutorial!


Unknown said... @ June 16, 2010 at 8:48 PM

Fabulous! Such beautiful coordinating fabrics, Jess, you've got great taste! Thanks for linking up.

Charlene Austin said... @ June 16, 2010 at 10:43 PM

SO Fantastic!! That is a funny story about the other ladies at the GS. It sounds like what I went through on Saturday at the designer shoe garage sale I found.....but for $10 on $150 dollar designer shoes...I'll excuse myself right through the lot of them. haha. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Anonymous said... @ June 17, 2010 at 7:26 AM

Oh perfect! It seems like they're just the right size! Great job.

KimMalk said... @ June 17, 2010 at 12:50 PM

Jess, these are so beautiful! Definitely worth elbowing other women over to get at the fabrics. Thanks for sharing with us at FFT.

Julia said... @ June 20, 2010 at 5:19 PM

I cannot wait to try this as I have some gorgeous fabric samples just lazing about my house, taking up space.

Tanya said... @ July 18, 2010 at 6:01 PM

Your pillows are gorgeous and a great idea with the cost of them in a retail store these days. You "inherited" some pretty furniture. Neutral with nice lines. My mom was an Interior Designer so she was always getting discontinued fabric and wallpaper sample books. My grandmother made a ton of quilts out of the fabric samples. They were very pretty and the fabric was such good quality.

Heather Bredimus said... @ August 20, 2010 at 11:16 PM

Hi Jess! I found your blog off of Today's Creative Blog! I love your craft! You are so talented! I just signed up to be your newest follower! Woo hoo! I hope you stop by my new blog. I just started it 2 months ago and would love new friends! Please come see me at www.modernfamilymagazine.com


http://www.jildorshoes.com said... @ January 21, 2011 at 3:48 AM

Thanks a ton for sharing this news.I have a fetish for shoes and these ones are simply mind blowing.The best part is the fact that the shoes are pretty yet affordable.

Anonymous said... @ January 23, 2012 at 9:36 PM

I love the pillows, they just pop on that chair. Do you have a picture of the couch with the pillows on it? Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said... @ March 11, 2012 at 1:34 PM

My sister has the same coffee table as you! She hated it. Her husband painted it black, used sand paper to make it look rustic and then made it glossy. It looks amazing and it didn't take him long. It looks like a whole new table.

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