I did go to Blissdom this past week – it is hard to pass up an chance to meet and hang out with bloggers right in your backyard. Blissdom is a blog conference that is headquartered in Nashville TN so naturally it is a little easier for me to go! I had a great time and got to finally meet a lot of great people in person. (This is going to be a picture intensive post and a lot of Blissdom talk so just keep going if you aren’t interested!)
For me … it is always a little nerve racking to walk into a room by myself and try to recognize and meet up with people. But everyone is always so nice and easy to get to know! At the kick off party Wednesday night I got to hang out with these lovely ladies. (Charity @ Sit Relax and Read, Cyndi @ Walking in His Grace, Kellie @ This Blessed Nest, Amy @ Positively Splendid, Jen @ Tatertots and Jello, Beckie @ Infarrantly Creative, and me – yes that is the bump for those of you looking for bump pics!)

Photo by Angry Julie – from the Official Blissdom Flickr Stream
Can I just say that every single one of these ladies is a complete sweetheart! Beckie is hysterical, Jen is just adorable, and Kellie makes the most beautiful bags! And Amy lives right here in Nashville with me! I think we be getting together soon!
In between all the sessions and the breakouts and the sponsored food breaks – we all also managed to get some time together. Of course, I had to see my buddy Kate @ The Centsational Girl.
She always has a kiss on the cheek for me – it is our Blissdom tradition! I love her – she is a complete doll and an absolute ham!
More lovely ladies here – Beth @ The Stories of A to Z, The Nester, Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality, and Myra @ My Blessed Life. We had a great Mexican Dinner together – there were about six tables full of home bloggers.
We spent a lot of time by the fireplaces in the Magnolia Lobby – here is a shot of me and Allison @ House of Hepworths.
Loving this shot of some of my favorite bloggers – Myra, Richella @ Imparting Grace, Sarah @ Thrifty Decor Chick, Traci @ Beneath my Heart, and Rhoda!
And of course I loved meeting Lori @ Be Different. Act Normal – you might know her as @milliemux on twitter!
It was so great to spend some time with Sarah too! She is such an inspiration and the biggest sweetheart!
There is so much talent on this couch I can hardly stand it! I am sure you know most of these fantastic bloggers! It was amazing to get to spend even the briefest time with them! There were so many other wonderful women that I got to meet and hang out with I can’t even begin to name them all. Our little tribe of bloggers is packed with some of the most creative and wonderful ladies! I am inspired by all of you!
Blissdom was in a word – a blast! That isn’t to say that I didn’t come home overwhelmed and unsure of where to start with all the ideas I have. I wanted to try to summarize some of what I learned but honestly my head is still swimming with info. For now – I will just share the pictures and enjoy the memories!
P.S. Melissa from The Inspired Room has a link up going if you want to link up your Blissdom recap post! I did!