Update: The Nursery is finally finished! Hop over and check out the full reveal!
We have our appointment to find out what our little bundle of joy is this week. I am beyond excited and I have been telling it that it has to cooperate for the ultrasound tech! Getting this close to knowing what the baby will be has totally got me nursery obsessed. But that “obsession” started two years ago.
See two years ago – when we were moving to Nashville – we stayed at a hotel here in town when we came in for our “house hunting” trip. That hotel (which shall remain unnamed but is my all time favorite hotel chain ever) had great decor and a classic color scheme. Part of their “brand” was featured on their key cards. And oopsy – one of those made its way home with me. (It was a real oversight – I did not intentionally take it!) But ever since I have had it, I have known that I wanted to do my nursery in those kinds of bright colors. Check it out below!
With those bright colors in mind – I think they work for a boy or a girl. If it is a boy – I think I will play up some more of the blues and greens in the color scheme. If it is a girl – I might throw in a bright pink. Perhaps a little honeysuckle (aka Pantone’s color of the year – expect to see this everywhere). But either way – bright colors will be the name of the game.
I have found some nursery’s that I am in love with and that are full of inspiration! Wanna see? I thought you might!
I love the bright pops of aqua in this room that Amanda did! And the deep charcoal walls are beautiful!
Design by Amanda @ MODG
I adore the aqua and yellow in this one by Susan!! So bright and cheerful! And the little elephants are just too cute!
Design by Susan – Found @ Ohdeehoh
Those stars are so cute and I love the wall decal! Katie did a great job playing up those blues and greens!
Design by Katie @ Oh Baby! found at Ohdeedoh
I am loving these pom poms in this room by Melanie!! Such a unique idea over a regular mobile. Honestly – I would love to just lay there and stare at them! Bet baby will feel the same way!
Design by Melanie @ Mb
Really digging the bright crib color here and the different patterned fabric in little embroidery hoops that Caroline did! That and the little initial in the middle! So adorable!
Design by Caroline – Found at Ohdeedoh
Love this room that my friend Erin did! The pom poms – the bright dresser – the adorable growth chart! It is all just perfect!
Design by Erin @ Domestic Adventure
Now this is colorful!! The pops of color really shine against the gray base in this room! Oh and if you are in love with that mobile – Michele sells those in her Etsy Shop Screamy Mimi!
Design by Michele photo found via Ohdeedoh
And it is official…. I am obsessed with these bookshelves! Obsessed I tell you! Some how I am going to make this happen. I think Elizabeth is brilliant!
Design by Elizabeth Sullivan Design
And then this sweet nursery is from a new reader and new blogger, Vicky, who just found me recently. And in turn I found her precious little space! Isn’t this adorable!
Design by Vicky @ Pearl District
So there you go! Those are my “bright” ideas! (Sorry I just couldn’t resist the bad pun!)
What do you think? Any of these call out to you? Have any of you done a bright nursery? I would love to see it if you did! I am off to dream sweet dreams of what this little something may be ….

21 frugal friends said ...
Aw Jess how exciting! My personal favorite is the wall of books. Kids can NEVER have to many books and read too much (I guess that's the teacher in me talking). Plus, it's just so darn cute :o)
Oh wow those are all great! Our nursery has been more calming like Sherwin williams Chatroom (Green-gray) with with & black aceents & cherry furniture. BUT I am totally drawn to your bright color scheme... I always thought an AWESOME theme would be bright orange goldfish and aqua! We're hoping for #3, so maybe I can get more bold then. I guess I always wanted a serene calm for a baby... but have come to learn they're up all night long anyway and you usually have just a nightlight on so it doesn't really matter.
I did have one friend that really busy baby bedding and she swore she'd never do it again... once her baby got older he was distracted by the bedding, trying to pick the crazy dots and stuff off the bedding and it made for bad naps & falling asleep!
I really like each of those rooms for one reason or another. But I completely LOVE the white trees with aqua accents! It's magical :)
What a fun time for you! Enjoy! Hope baby is willing so show the goods ;)
I love all of these ideas. My favorite is the book wall! I saw this in a tour of homes and I definitely want to use it when I have children.
Thank you for commenting on my medicine cabinet makeover! I'm trying to start my list of DIY projects, if only I had unlimited time. :)
Awe! Jesse you have gathered up some amazing nurseries!!! I LOVE them all! It's so wonderful how much detail each mother put into each and every corner of the room! I can't wait to find out who you're having!
I LOVE THE AQUA ROOM!!! Soooo gorgeous!!!
Thank you so much for featuring me!!! You are the best!!!
You must be just about bursting waiting to find out. Love bright colors for a child's rooms. Boy or girl, I know that you'll come up with something special-and frugally created.
BTW, don't feel bad about keeping the key card. A friend attended a personal security conference and was instructed that you should take those with you, they contain all your credit card information on that strip on the back.
Ash's nursery was post-it note yellow. I loved that room! Everyone said it was too bright, but I thought it was perfect. :)
I love the bookshelf room you've shown. That's exactly what I'm wanting to do with her room now. The kid has over 500 books and yet we read the same 3-4 every night because on a traditional bookshelf you can't see the covers so it's hard for a kid to pick out a new book to read.
PS Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl. So excited!!!
The wall of books is amazing! and I like the embroidery hoops idea so cute and fresh.
I love the one with the big yellow scallop on the wall. Very bright and cheerful. Can't wait to hear what you are having :)
Love the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves! Yes, I've painted a 'ton' of murals in nurseries, as you know. Some bright, some pink, blue, etc.
You've probably hit all the sites, but here are a couple of my favs for you - Project Nursery
Design Dazzle
Not that you need any more inspiration, lol!
Ok, one more, just because she's offering one of my paintings as a GiveAway! bouffe e bambini
And, I seriously need to write a feng shui article for baby's room. One more 'to-do'!
Oh my goodness - that library! How wonderfully colorful and exciting! What kid wouldn't want to peruse their wall - looking for the perfect book for Mommy or Daddy to read that night?
Of course, you'd have to be sure that the top shelves didn't call to a child to climb. But, I'm sure it could be worked out.
Oh and that charcoal with bright yellow! Wow!
OMG, those nurseries make me want to have a baby right now! Gorgeous!
Thanks for including our nursery! Can't wait for you to find out if it is a boy or girl, and I love your inspiration colors!
- e
that faux bois rug is my favorite thing ever. such a great compilation of nurseries! can't wait to see what you end up doing!
Thanks so much for including my nursery! I am sure yours is going to be amazing! Love those paper puffs over a crib!
-elizabeth (modern24seven.blogspot.com)
thanks for including L's nursery - can't wait to see what you put together!
Wishing you good news and lots of love this week:)Erm, bad news.....
**Copy message to all blogfriends -I'm locked out of magicalmeadows by Blogger because I messed up my passwords. If I can't rectify it today looks like I'll have to start up a new blog *sigh* right when I'm at my busiest. In the meantime you can email me if needs be on ms_pam_ella@hotmail.com.** End message.
Silly me:( love pamela xxx
I love all the ones with plants or trees on the walls! Do I need to have a baby to do that? I want to do it regardless.
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