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So as I was browsing through Roll Call on SITS for the SITS sharefest, I came across Tammy’s Blog (visit her here). She wrote a post on wish lists, shared hers, and did a McLinky so everyone else could do the same!

I thought it was a great idea especially since people keep asking me what I want for Christmas and I get performance anxiety. You know, when someone asks you what you want and you end up with a totally blank mind. Or you can only think of 5 piece king bedroom sets (then again maybe that is just me) or other things that are totally impractical.

So I decided that I would sit down and really think about it. I have an Amazon wish list that I didn’t really keep up. I did go through and purge and restart it this year but it is a random mismatch of so many things. I have added a few things that I have been considering and I figured I would share in case there is anything I want that might trigger a good gift idea for someone you know.

My Crockpot is still in VA (if your not up on “the situation” read about it here) and this time of year is when I love making roasts and such. Since I don’t have a dutch oven yet, I think this little beauty would make a great addition to the kitchen. I have the grill pan that is made of the same aluminum non-stick material so I know it would clean really easily. Bonus - it is on Amazon for $59.66 right now from one of their affiliates! Turns out this is a freebie from All Clad if you buy more than $500 in All Clad merchandise so people are doing that and then turning around and reselling them. It works for me! Normally these are $160.

2. Penguin Classics with Clothbound Covers by Coralie Bickford-Smith
Ok – Are these not beautiful? They have popped up all over blog land. I am obsessed with creating a library space in our new home and these books are going to look great on the shelves. Originally, these were only available in the UK and Europe, but they are on Amazon now for around $13.60! I love them and plan on getting them all! (Except Tess of the D’Urbervilles, which is quite possibly the most depressing book ever written.)

The cover of the Dorian Gray book is probably my favorite.

3. A Zojirushi Hot Water Dispenser
This is one of my extravagant wishes. So while we were up in PA for Thanksgiving I got really accustomed walking over and instantly making myself a cup of tea with my uncle’s Hot Water Dispenser. For those of you who don’t know are not familiar, it is a little gadget that sits on your kitchen countertop and with a press of a button will give you hot water that has been boiled and kept at a specific temperature (specified by you). My grandmother and father all have them too (as that side of the family are pretty big tea drinkers). I have kinda thought it was a little much – I mean come on how hard is it to boil water. But after having it “on demand” and being able to enjoy a cup of tea at any point I admit I got a little spoiled. So it is now a “wish”.

4. Magazines!!
Ok so I know this is not at all “green” but I love getting magazines. Amazon is having a sale right now where you can get a year for $5.00 on a bunch of titles.  Personally, I want to be curling up with some issues of House Beautiful sometime soon!

5. Digital SLR for Dummies
I have a great Digital SLR (a Sony A350 – it is the bomb!) but I pretty much keep it on Auto because I don’t know what all those other buttons and knobs do. But I would like to, which is why I think this would be a good book for me.

6. A Brown Leather Coach Bag
This is my final extravagant gift. I have one that hubby got me 3 years ago for Christmas. It is the familiar black and white pattern and looks exactly the same after almost three years of daily wear and tear as it did when I opened it up. And I am not gentle with this bag. It gets slung around, dropped, kicked, and the occasional coffee spill – but it looks GREAT. It is the durability of Coach that gets me every time. In the same span of time I have gone through numerous other purses – but mine is still classic, still beautiful.

Because of this, I want to get a brown one in leather! However, I still told hubby to make sure he gets it at the outlet. There is no reason to pay full price if you don’t have to!  (BTW - I like the Hailey or Brooke bags the best – in case he might be lurking about.)

What about you? What is on your wish list?

Head on over to Tammy’s and join the fun!

6 frugal friends said ...

Shell said... @ November 29, 2009 at 7:25 PM

Those books are beautiful!

Tammy said... @ November 30, 2009 at 12:49 AM

OMG!! I am so honored that you did this!! You are my new best friend!! Would it be awkward if I told you I loved you? LOL You totally made my night..ok week truth be told.
Have a great week.

Corrie Howe said... @ December 1, 2009 at 3:57 PM

I love your wishlist. You have some great things on it. My only wish is that I can get my freelance writing business up and running soon.

Sophie Grace said... @ February 22, 2020 at 4:49 AM

I just want to let you know that I just check out your site and I find it very interesting and informative. Moschino stuff pack on game sims 4 cheats is out now on playstation 4

바카라사이트 순위 said... @ May 18, 2024 at 5:44 AM

You should continue your writing. I am sure, you have a huge readers’ base already!

온라인카지노사이트 said... @ May 18, 2024 at 5:45 AM

You can not imagine simply how much time I had spent for this info! Thanks!

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