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Ok – so I admit it. Other than my adorable tree – I got nothing else going on here that is festive.  I have no mantle, no stockings, not even a cute hand towel. It is all in VA, and quite honestly, I don’t have the space to store the stuff once the holiday is over.

So I have had to “sit” this Christmas out. And I admit, it got me a little down. Especially with all the holiday home tour linky love that is out there right now. And I was a lil grumpy Sunday afternoon as I was working on my Tree Post.

To try and brighten my mood, I was trying to at least have the holidays on TV. And I was watching the original “Grinch who Stole Christmas.” I was feeling kinda Grinchy anyways, but when it got to the part where he was slinking around – stealing the trees, stockings, and all the trimmings – and it gave me an idea.

I am going to “steal” Christmas! (Virtually that is! I know you were totally about to run and lock your door. Don’t worry!)

I have decided to “build” a Christmas dream home based on what some of my favorite bloggers have done this year. I will (of course) give credit where credit is due and I hope you go out to visit all of the people I love to stalk.

I am obsessed with Karla’s Red Door @ It’s the little things that make a house a home. And I love it even more with this beautiful wreath.

I love Rhoda’s @ Southern Hospitality entry that is featured in her Christmas Tour -

This Banister at Isabella & Max’s Rooms is beautiful. I adore the blue ornaments! So fresh!

The brilliant Centsational Girl has also done a beautiful banister with crystal jewels! Ah, I love the bling you know …

She also has this fantastic mantel with hot pink accents! So fun and whimsical!

This living room by Chris at Just a Girl is so cozy and warm. I love her mantel and furry wreath!

What about this mantel that Melissa @ The Inspired Room created? I love the creamy neutral background with the blues and greens!

This Christmas Village Tablescape is so magical! It is of course by the Tablescape Queen, Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch. This is the kind of thing that makes adults and kids believe in the magic of Christmas! Now I am going to have to start collecting little houses!

And of course, I couldn't build a dream house without this lovely bathroom from Beth @ Stories From A to Z. The beachy Christmas vibe is perfect for the tub.  

Isn’t this little tree so perfect? It is by Edie over at lifeingrace.

She also has the cute kitchen cupboards. Oh I love it!! 

Of course this isn't all the great stuff these ladies have done!  Stop by their blogs and check out the other lovely details!

P.S.  I am feeling less grinchy now.  How about you?

9 frugal friends said ...

Susan (Between Naps On The Porch.net) said... @ December 14, 2009 at 9:29 PM

Hi Jess,
Hey, what happened to all my houses! I seemed to be missing a few. ;-) Hee, hee. Wish I could wiggle my nose like Samantha (Bewitched) and some houses would instantly appear right at your feet. :-) I just love How the Grinch Stole Christmas...especially the part where his evil grin goes from ear to ear! LOL
Thanks for linking to my tablescape...now I'm off to see your tree.

Janell @ House of Fifty said... @ December 14, 2009 at 9:40 PM

Well thank you very much for including my banister decor in your post! And I am getting such a kick out of the decorated bathroom with the stockings over the tub! WOW, I'm lucky to have gotten to a few main areas of the home!!
Have a wonderful holiday season...Janell

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said... @ December 14, 2009 at 10:02 PM

Aw, thanks for putting my mantel in your post! So sweet. And I love all the photos you shared, they are some of MY favorites too!!!


Happy Christmas!

Kate Riley said... @ December 15, 2009 at 1:01 AM

I love this idea and I love this post !!!! What a great idea to "steal" Christmas! Brilliant, I tell ya. What a great roundup. Thanks so much for featuring me. I am so flattered !
Big Hugs,

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said... @ December 15, 2009 at 7:53 AM

Hi, Jess! THanks for featuring me too with these other very fine blogs! You know how to find the good ones, that's for sure. All these ladies are wonderful decorators. And what a cute post, stealing Christmas. HOpe you have a very Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said... @ December 15, 2009 at 3:15 PM

I don't have a lot up! I did have outdoor decorating envy and went out and bought wreaths for my windows.

Stopping from SITS

Karla said... @ December 15, 2009 at 7:08 PM

Lol - I LOVE this idea! Thanks for "stealing" my front door! Glad you like it!

Great idea!!

~Karla @ It's The Little Things...

Jessie Weaver said... @ January 25, 2010 at 10:04 AM

I totally understand--this Christmas I was in Nashville and all my Christmas stuff was in Chattanooga--I didn't even have a tree. I was heartbroken! And then the Christmas before, we had a two-month-old and were traveling for Christmas so I didn't decorate. I am hoping this year I'll have some sort of residence I'll be able to decorate, wherever that may be!!

Anonymous said... @ December 15, 2023 at 3:54 AM

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