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[ April 30, 2011 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

Can you guys believe tomorrow will be May?  Isn’t that just a wee bit scary?  The year will be halfway over before we know it!  I also can’t believe that there is only another 10 weeks until my lil man is supposed to be here.  Crazy!  Well – before we get into May, I thought I would share with you guys some of my favorite posts from this past month both here and around the web!  Let’s go!

DIY and Crafty Goodness

For starters – I made some Simple Easter Centerpieces for our dining room table.  I find it totally strange that I decorated for Easter this year – but I just felt possessed to do so.  Has to be all those maternal hormones running around!

I also finally replaced my ugly vertical blinds with a sliding panel solution!  I  love these things – and I may gussy them up at some point with a little trim or something.  In the meantime – I am just glad to have something that lets in the light without letting out too much of our privacy!

Around the House

Another thing that has been on my to do list for forever was to do a little gallery wall in my hallway.  So I got this little collection of silver frames all set up!  (Love silver spray paint!)  The hubby really loves it too – says it makes his day to get to see all our family everyday! 

I also updated my mantel.  Ok – it is a speaker shelf – but I call it a mantel!  I added some more spring colors and textures.  I really like how it plays off the white accents around the TV!

Inspirational Ideas

I ran through some great blue and white combos – starting from really light blue and going all the way to deep dark navy!  I loved getting to see your comments on what shades you guys preferred!  Feel free to hop over and add your two cents if you missed out on that little conversation!   I think one of my favorites was this blue bedroom overlooking a blue sea!  Ah …. I wanna go hang out there! 

I also did a spring take on my “Fall is … Cozy” post and did a “Spring is … Fresh!” post!  I loved sharing with you guys they way I find fresh in design and decor!  My favorite – this picture with all the flowering branches!  Swoon!

Tips and Tricks

I think my favorite post on tips from the month was the one I just posted this week on 10 Ways to Display Dishes!  Dishes are a super affordable and fun way to infuse all kinds of color and texture into your home.  I think this little vintage plate rack was the favorite based on the comments! 


Other Posts and Ideas from Around the Web

So those of you that follow me on Facebook have probably already seen these!  That is where I share all the great ideas I have found while running around online!  There were a ton of great projects that I featured this month – but these were my favorites!

First off – I am in love with this paper flower wreath from Kami @ No Biggie.  Isn’t this just adorable and amazing!  And a great way to get through some of your scrapbook paper stash! 

Photo via No Biggie

Next up, I was seriously debating changing my whole Living Room wall decor when I saw these amazing Ballard knockoff mirrors that Alicia @ Thrifty and Chic made.  I am in love with these!  Would you believe she made them for a mere $15?  Ah-maz-ing!

Photo via Thrifty and Chic

Next – my friend Erin over at Peony Wire Works makes the most beautiful things out of Chicken Wire.  But nothing she has made has been as beautiful as this gorgeous spring bouquet.  Love it!

Photo via Peony Wire Works

So there you go!  Those are all my favorites of the month!  Have a favorite post you want to share?  Yours, mine, someone else’s?  I would love to see it!  Post it in the comments or on my FB page!!  :) 

[ April 28, 2011 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

Update: The Nursery is finally finished!  Hop over and check out the full reveal!

Thanks for letting me vent the other day!  I appreciate your support and don’t worry – I will still be around!  I just don’t know how to stay away!!  I know you guys are probably looking forward to seeing some of the progress that we are making on the nursery!  Well – we haven’t gotten a whole lot finished but we do have a basic shell together that I wanted to share with you guys as a “before” and show you what I was planning! 

So without further ado – here is what the nursery looks like now!   As you can see it is pretty basic.  And pretty small! 


Yep so – basically – all that is going to fit in this room is a crib, my cushy comfy rocking chair and ottoman and a dresser.  You can see my pile of kids books I have started collecting in the floor there.


The way I look at it – if the Lil Man showed up today – we would have a place to put him!  However – I am planning on getting a few things done over the next 10 weeks before he is supposed to officially arrive!  Wanna see my to do list?  Check it out!


And on this side of the room….


So the hubby is already in the process of stripping the dresser down and restaining it darker to match the crib.  We are also going to install the wall shelves so I can create the book wall of my dream nursery over on the wall next to the window.  In hindsight – getting my heart set on that look was brilliant since there is so little room in the room. 

And yes … the chair is technically too big.  But I don’t care!  I love that thing and I already spend a lot of time there resting and reading to the Lil Man.  It is awesome it glides and swivels – so we can easily spin it to get in and out of the closet.  I am not too worried about it blocking anything. 


So stay tuned over the next couple weeks to see how this unfolds!!  I am looking forward to sharing the progress with you guys!


[ April 26, 2011 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

Using dishes as part of your decor can be a great way to infuse color, patterns, or shapes into a room.  But I think it is easy to get stuck in a rut of thinking of only a couple ways to display them.  So to give you guys some other ideas – here a ten great ways to display dishes.

1.  Use an unconventional piece

This old barbershop rack is a great example of a way to use something unconventional as a great display piece.

The Old Painted Cottage traditional kitchen

2.  Use some modern bookcases

I love the use of these Ikea bookshelves to create functional and decorative storage.  Not to mention that a couple of these won’t break the bank either!

Nina van de Goors Home eclectic living room

3.  Use an open rack

These white racks are classic and are a great way to display some of your favorite heirlooms.

Kitchen  kitchen

4. Use just a hutch 

Don’t have room for a full hutch and buffet?  How about mounting just the top piece straight to the wall?  I love this idea!

More portfolio photos

5.  Mount a vintage plate rack

I love this little plate rack!  The hooks for mugs are the perfect little touch.

beach vintage eclectic kitchen

6. Leave them out on a rolling cart

This cart is completely functional but also makes a great display piece!

Lola Bs traditional dining room

7. Just mount them on the wall

Yep – probably one of the more traditional ways to display dishes – but you don’t knock a classic!

romantic home eclectic bedroom

8.  Hang shelves from the ceiling

This is a great way to use some “dead” space in a room, create a divider, add storage, and provide a beautiful display place!  Great use all around!

Knollwood renovation modern kitchen

9. Fill up a cupboard

Sometimes just a simple cupboard can be the perfect place to display some dishes.  I love how the top of this piece had the panels on the doors replaced with some chicken wire!

dreamywhitesonline.com  dining room

10.  Use open shelving

Low open shelving can sometimes make the most beautiful and functional display space.  I love how this wraps around the wall here.

Weyand Residence contemporary kitchen

So there you go!  Ten great ideas on how you can display dishes in your home!  What about you?  Do you have any dishes displayed in your house?  Can you think of any other ways that you can do it?  It took me a while to think up ten, I would love to know if you guys could think of some others!

Do you need help figuring out how to display things in your space?  You should check out my sponsor InCircle Interiors!  They are offering 50% off Color Consultations and 20% off all other services (including their way cool 3D virtual design plans) to Frugal with a Flourish readers!  Contact them today about getting started! 

[ April 24, 2011 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

Whew …. I am beat.  I know you guys haven’t seen a lot of me recently. 

Photo by Chris Metcalf

I just hit the 3rd trimester a couple of weeks ago and I am definitely starting to feel drained a lot quicker.  Along with that, I am still covering two jobs at work – which has me pulling 10-11 hour days.  Though I finally have my replacement starting tomorrow – so hopefully once we get through some of the training that will get a little off my plate.  Not to mention that I am still working to get this place all together for when the little man gets here. 

So I wanted to just let you guys know that I am sorry I haven’t been able to respond to everyone’s comments or stop back by all the blogs I love.  I am missing getting to see all the fun stuff you guys have been working on.  And I am sad that I feel like I have been missing out on seeing what is going on in your lives.  Sigh! 

Anyways – hang in there with me.  I am hoping to have things settle down at work here soon and hopefully that will give me a little more time to hang out with you guys soon! 

[ April 19, 2011 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

My long time followers may remember when I first posted my living room to do list back last June.  Well, I started with a new coffee table, got a new lamp and added some art.

Here was my most recent update after adding some new baskets for our coffee table.  The only thing left on the list was to find a replacement for my ugly vertical blinds!  Blech!

Well I have to say the solution for these ugly blinds has been a long time coming.  I first came up with an idea last summer.  And then I bought everything for it in November.  And then I got into the first trimester and the holidays – so nothing got done then.  And then I thought I lost some pieces.  And then I found everything and by then it was March!  So I hope you guys are finally ready to see the result!  Behold my new sliding fabric panel solution! 


Ack!!  I love it!  The pictures really don’t do it justice!  The fabric is a different color than the walls – I promise!! 

This was set up using Ikea’s Kvartal system and I chose their triple rail system.  My reasons?  One – I wanted to have a solution that allowed light in but also keep up the privacy.  Our sliding glass door faces our neighbor’s sliding glass door so privacy is important!  Two – I wanted something that we could still slide to one side to access the sliding glass door as well. 


The Kvartal system offered all of that.  But I just wasn’t falling in love with the fabric options that they had at Ikea.  So that is when I decided to get really creative.  I cut up a set of cheapo Wilma panels and used those to make my “back layer” of sheers.  You can see there are three of them back there.  Just enough to let in plenty of light during the day but keep the privacy! 


Then I made my front panels out of a blogger’s best friend – a drop cloth!  I can spread out both layers of the front panels to cover the window completely and they are pretty opaque at night.  


Here is a close up of the fabric!  I really am loving the drop cloth!  It gives it that perfect (and cheap) linen look. 


So while the fabrics are fairly traditional – the application and structure of the drapes and the hardware is a little modern.  It totally fits my “little bit modern and a little bit traditional” vibe! 


Now – cause I can’t leave well enough alone – I am thinking about adding a subtle embellishment on the drop cloth panels.  What do you guys think about a faux nail head treatment?  Or some sort of trim?  I am back and forth on it myself so I would love for you guys to weigh in! 

Linking this up to

Show and Tell with Becca @ Blue Cricket Designs
Whatever Goes Wednesday with Michelle @ Someday Crafts
Make it Yours Day with Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden
Hooking up with HOH with Allison @ House of Hepworths
Transformation Thursday with Gina @ The Shabby Chic Cottage
Metamorphosis Monday with Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch
Get Your Craft On with Kim @ Today’s Creative Blog

Tutorials & Tips Tuesday with Beth @ Stories of A to Z

[ April 17, 2011 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

Back in the fall, I wrote a post about how fall is cozy.  So this spring – I thought I would follow that up with a little ode to this season.  If fall is cozy, then spring is most definitely FRESH! 

Why fresh out of all the possible words?  Well – I think because the air seems cleaner and brighter, the fruit starts tasting sweeter and the days and nights start getting longer.  So what I thought is I would head out and round up some great pictures for you guys that showcase this same feeling of fresh in decorating!

Fresh  is … flowering branches!

Dreamy Whites eclectic dining room

Fresh is ... mixing traditional and modern with bright prints and colors.

Fresh Tudor traditional exterior

Fresh is ... drapes that float and blow in the breeze.

Fresh Tudor traditional exterior

Fresh is ... lots of natural light - including skylights!

Classic Kitchen traditional kitchen

Fresh is ... displaying fresh fruits and herbs out in the open - with everything else!


Fresh is ... having a great space to dine al fresco that doesn’t have to be uber fancy.

Scot Meacham Wood Design traditional living room

Fresh is ... bright neutrals and whimsical but subtle wall paper.

Fresh, light and simple eclectic bedroom

Fresh is … keeping everything monochromatic except for a few bright punches! 

2011 HHL Living Room  living room

So there you go... that is fresh for me!  What is fresh for you?  Really love something above or do you have your own perfect vision?  I wanna know!

And if you are looking for a way to freshen up your own space but need some help – you have to check out my sponsor InCircle Interiors!  They are offering 50% off Color Consultations and 20% off all other services (including their way cool 3D virtual design plans) to Frugal with a Flourish readers!  Contact them today about getting started! 

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