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[ October 29, 2009 | Posted in | | ]

Ok – here is another installation of Frugal Foods where serving a family of four for under $3 per serving is easy-peasy!!

Now most of the time, I roll through the grocery store like a woman on a mission. I can be in and out in 20 minutes (30 tops if there is a wait at the deli). However, there are days when I stroll through and I am hit with the most fantastic inspirational ideas for dinner. Most of the time, these are triggered by that shiny sale sign.

This week was one of those weeks! As I was walking down the aisle, past the prepackaged lunch meat and bacon, one of those little sale signs jumped out at me. Turkey Smoked Sausage on sale 2 for $5. That is one of those things I have to be in the mood for and the mood was right! So, I doubled back to pick up a few other things and created this tasty dish! I am including a cost per serving below!

The best thing about this dish is that it is all the components can be bought and can sit in your fridge/freezer/pantry for quite some time until they are ready to be cooked (or until you have the time to do it!). I highly recommend that you stick with my recommendation on the Vodka Sauce as it pairs so nicely with the smoky taste of the sausage!

Turkey Smoked Sausage in Vodka Sauce with Farfelle Pasta
1 package Turkey Smoked Sausage (14 oz package)
1 tbls Olive Oil (or whatever you have handy)
1 bag frozen 3 Peppers and Onion Blend (12 oz)
3/4 box Farfelle Pasta (that is fancy talk for bow tie pasta – get the 14.5 oz box with Omega 3’s)
1 jar Vodka Pasta Sauce (24 oz)

Start a pot of water boiling. While water is boiling, slice the Smoked Sausage into ½ inch rounds. Heat a non-stick sauté or fry pan with the olive oil.

Once water boils, put in pasta and cook based on package instructions. Toss sausage into pan and stir until it gets it starts to sweat. Add peppers and onions. Stir consistently until veggies are cooked through and the onions are clear. Add the jar of sauce into the sauté pan with the meat and veggies and let simmer for a couple of minutes to get the flavors throughout. (Psst! Make sure you didn’t forget to drain the pasta when it is done!) Once the pasta is drained and your sauce has simmered, combine the two in a nice big bowl and toss.


Servings 4 – cost per serving is $2.29
Total cost – $9.13 (and I have my receipt to prove it!)

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