Welcome to Frugal with a Flourish!

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[ October 15, 2009 | Posted in | | ]

After following several of other blogs that were out there, I felt the longing to get out there and do it myself. But there was this nagging doubt. What else can I contribute to the great information and inspiration that is already out there? Nevertheless, I am a finder – I find deals and spread them around. My friends have always said I am legendary at it. So maybe I can offer that.

My mission for this blog is to provide a place where those of us who are into great design can share great deals and inspirational ideas.  This isn’t a place to just find “cheap” stuff.  It is a place to find the affordable “flourish” for your home.  Sometimes, that may come in the form of a great sale or clearance. Other times, it will come along through a DIY project. Either way, I am committed to bringing the best I can find to my readers.

See you around and Happy Shopping!!

1 frugal friends said ...

Tammy said... @ November 28, 2009 at 5:30 PM

I am stopping by from SITS and thanks for your comment. I agree.. getting comments is like getting hugs.. and one can never have too many hugs!! Lovin your site...

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