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[ January 20, 2010 | Posted in | | ]

I would think that everyone has discovered Ana’s Blog – Knock Off Wood by now. But just in case you are one of the people who isn’t totally infatuated by her allow me to show you what she teaches you to do.

Have you ever sighed longingly at a magazine wanting to own this

or this

or this

But looked at the price tag – hundred or thousands of dollars – and had second thoughts?? I know I have spent hours lusting over Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel. But now, I can have these. For a FRACTION of the price!

Because Ana is all about showing you how to make it yourself!

Check out the plans for the media unit,

(photo via Knock Off Wood)

(photo via Knock Off Wood)

Or the fantastic bed.

(photo via Knock off Wood)

My life (and my hubby’s to do list) has run up with several of these projects.

I cannot tell you how much I love her site or her. She is uber cute and so freaking talented. And she thinks big! She has applied to be on the next HGTV Design Star. Her show, not about design – but a Rachel Ray for carpentry. Rachel Ray doesn’t cook like a chef, she does it with shortcuts and for time – but it still tastes great and works every time. Ana does the same thing, just with wood! Her idea for a show would be someone who shows us how to break down projects so we could do it ourselves.

Personally, I think she is perfect! Beautiful and talented, what producer wouldn’t want her running around and creating fantastic furniture? But she needs our help. Head over to her site and if you like what you see, do this!

Send HGTV a message and ask for Ana to make furniture on TV for you.

And you can email the casting agents

David Polanzak dpo.casting@gmail.com
Jonathan Tanzman Tanzman.casting@gmail.com

I hope you love her as much as I do!  

3 frugal friends said ...

Live.Love.Eat said... @ January 21, 2010 at 9:35 AM

Wow, she sounds fantastic. I had never heard of her before. I love the pieces in those pics too!!!

Thanks for your visit!!!

Susie @ Maddie G Designs said... @ January 21, 2010 at 11:33 AM

New to the blog world, I didn't know about her site but I am now off to check it out! I love watching Design Star....and her concept sounds like it would be a hit for a show.

Corrie Howe said... @ January 21, 2010 at 7:41 PM

Oh, I love the first one. I wish my hubby was good with tools. He's good with math and making money, so I'll just have to wait until one day when we aren't paying for braces, special education, college education....to get that shelf.

Oh, wait. I won't need it then. Hum? I guess I'll get my basement turned into a library instead???

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