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[ March 31, 2011 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

So on my to-do list is a gallery wall for the hallway.  And like a lot of things on the list, it has been on there for at least 3 months.  So I was super excited when Melissa @ The Inspired Room announced she was having a link party next week on gallery walls.  Sometimes it just takes a deadline to get me going.  So I will be ready next week! 

So I got to looking for ideas and came up with a question.  What do you prefer in gallery wall – do you prefer them symmetrical or asymmetrical?  I thought I would share a couple examples of each and let you guys debate amongst yourselves what you prefer!  So here we go!

This little corner really works with an asymmetrical arrangement don't you think?

Wall Display eclectic family room

So this room feels a little staged – but the organized side of me enjoys the different patterns lined up precisely behind the couch!

Lovely Living Room contemporary living room

This random layout is both cute and quirky at the same time!

family photo wall eclectic staircase

But this neat grouping in the bedroom makes me feel organized and at ease.

wall decor inspiration set 1

A traditional living room with an asymmetrical arrangement can be inspiring as this Restoration Hardware room shows.

Restoration Hardware traditional living room

Or you could go all out symmetrical and still keep it traditional like these wood cuttings.

warmington north traditional living room

This somewhat random nautical layout does seem beachy and laid back!

Marcelo Brito - Sao Paulo - Brazil contemporary living room

But then again – keeping it neat and linear like in this bedroom is also calming don’t you think?

Beach Condo Renovation eclectic bedroom

Or maybe you want to split the difference? The shelves in this room are very symmetrical but all the photos are different sizes which still gives it a little bit of an abstract feel.

NJ Residential contemporary living room

So there you go – where do you land?  Symmetrical, asymmetrical or a little of both!  I wanna know!  As for me?  Well you guys will just have to wait for next week to see where I decide to take my stance!  And don’t forget to head over to Melissa’s next week for the gallery wall party!  I will see you there!

[ March 28, 2011 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

I am very excited to share my latest giveaway with you guys!  Princess and My Pea is an adorable Etsy shop that I have just fallen in love with! 

They specialize in custom made baby burp cloths, bibs, taggies, and washcloths.  Check out some of their beautiful products below.
princess my pea1
Angela from Princess and My Pea asked me if I would like to do a giveaway and review on one of her custom burp cloths and I jumped at the chance.  I was not compensated for this review – so this is my pure honest feedback! 
I picked out a multi stripe one that I knew would match my color scheme for the nursery.  I was so pleased to get it and check out the quality.  Not only are they beautiful, but they are sturdy!  The stitching on it is fantastic. 
And the flip side is what really sold me on it.  Check out how soft and fuzzy!
But let’s be honest – a burp cloth that is just pretty isn’t really a useful burp cloth.  It has to be absorbent too!   I mean – wiping up some gnarly spit-up incidents is what you really need it for right?!?  So I decided to really test it out for you guys.  Even though our Lil Man isn’t here yet – I figured I would improvise!  So I put a decent quantity of soapy water on a cutting board to see how well it wiped up!
Now it wiped it ALL up.  Fantastically.  The soft fuzzy underside is extremely absorbent.
And the best part.  The dampness stayed on that side of the burp cloth.  The striped side wasn’t wet at all!  It is fantastic!
So I would highly recommend these burp cloths!!  And here is the best part – Angela is offering a $14 gift credit for anything in her shopThat would get any one of the fantastic designs below!
Princess and Pea 2
So what do you have to do to win your $14 gift code?  Simply hop over to the Princess and My Pea Shop and pick out your favorite item and then come back here and tell me what it is!  That is it!  You can also get additional entries by

That is 5 ways to win!  Please make sure you leave me an additional comment for each way you have entered to win.  The giveaway will stay open until April 4th at 8:00 pm CST.  I will announce the winner the next Wednesday morning. 
Good Luck!!

[ March 27, 2011 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

I had so much fun making this wreath!  Some of my favorite memories from my childhood were about Easter Egg hunts.  I mean – we got into it!  Waiting for the parents to hide eggs all over the back of a wooded hillside and then just tearing out after them like we were caged beasts!  It was so much fun.  So whenever I see a plastic Easter egg – I can’t help but have a little smirk on my face. 

What I started with was this ivy wreath I got on clearance from Ikea for $2.99.  I had gone out and hung it on the door earlier this weekend as a potential spring wreath candidate.  I love how full it is.  And that is what got me thinking about hidden Easter eggs.  (You guys should know by now how random my little brain can be!)


So I went out and got a pack of plastic eggs from the dollar store.  Then I dug into my floral supply stash and got some floral picks out.  My little eggs came with holes in the bottom – which was totally convenient for me.  I just ran the wire through and twisted it to secure.


Then I flipped the wreath over and wired all the eggs on from the back.  I was hoping this would provide the “hidden” look I was going for – and I think it did!


Check out the finished project!  I love it!


I think the ways the little eggs poke out from behind the leaves is just too cute!


I can’t wait to be able to do egg hunts with our little man.  It is so funny the things you start to look forward to once you know you have a little one to prepare them for!


Can you spot all eighteen eggs?  It might take a little while to find all of them!


I think it is the perfect wreath for about $4!  Here is one last shot!


So there you go!  What about you?  Got any Easter decorating going on at your house?  Do you have fun memories of Easter egg hunts from your past?  Planning one for this year?  I wanna know!

Also linking this to

Metamorphosis Monday with Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch
Spring Link Party with Kate @ Centsational Girl
Get Your Craft On with Kim @ Today’s Creative Blog
Tip Me Tuesday with Laurie @ Tip Junkie
Show and Tell with Becca @ Blue Cricket Design
Hooking up with HOH with Allison @ House of Hepworths
Transformation Thursday with Gina @ Shabby Chic Cottage
Show and Share Day with Chris @ Just a Girl

Weekend Wrap Up Party with Jen @ Tatertots and Jello

[ March 25, 2011 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

I have had Greek Key Patterns on the brain.  And if all goes well I can show you guys exactly what I mean later this weekend.  But until then …. I thought I would share some spaces that use the greek key pattern in some different ways!  Enjoy!

These greek key screens are the perfect touch for a monochromatic office! 

Photo by J. Valient  via House Beautiful

Love the wall paper in this room - subtle but a great accent.

Tineke triggs contemporary bedroom

Greek key is wonderful as a pattern in tile!

Indoor outdoor living  entry

Also makes a great border around a room. Love the way the accent from the drapes and bedding is repeated on the ceiling.

Malibu Mediterranean mediterranean bedroom

I like how this mirror incorporates a greek key border to make a great accent piece.

Zuniga Interiors contemporary living room

The size an scale of the print in this rug makes such a statement in this room.

Ballpark Condo contemporary living room

Love this girls room with the greek key accent around the bed frame.  A perfect way to pick up on that darker accent color in the room. 

Photo by P. Estersohn via House Beautiful

So there you go!  What do you think?  Are you a fan of greek key patterns?  Have any in your house?  I wanna know!


And if you need help figuring out how to add patterns like this in your home – be sure to check out my sponsor InCircle Interiors!  They are offering Frugal with a Flourish readers 50% off Color Consultations and 20% off all other services.  So they can help you plan virtual designs around your favorite ideas!

[ March 24, 2011 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

Galvanize – it can either be used as a verb meaning to “stimulate and excite as if by an electric shock” or it can mean “to coat iron or steel with zinc”.  I am hoping today you will be inspired by both uses of the word because I have found some fantastic examples of ideas where people used galvanized metal to create some pretty awesome accessories and spaces! 

Create a Beautiful Centerpiece

I love this centerpiece that Michelle @ Sweet Something Designs did.  She took an old galvanized tray she found at a thrifting event!  I am never so lucky to find beautiful stuff like that!  Oh yeah – and the table it is on – she just asked the hubby to make her one and that is what he came up with.  I know … we can all be jealous of Michelle’s handyman together! 

Photo via Sweet Something Designs

Make a Decorative Accessory

How adorably brilliant is this?!  Angie @ The Country Chic Cottage took pipe strapping from the hardware store and made this adorable little decorative ball!  I love how rustic and structural it is!

Photo via The Country Chic Cottage

Create a Pretty Plate Rack

Liz @ Hoosier Homemade took an antique galvanized chicken feeder and turned it into this pretty plate rack!  Love it!  That is thinking outside the box – or feeder as it were!

Photo via Hoosier Homemade

Install a Shower Surround

That is the nice thing about galvanized metal – it is rust proof!  This shower surround is industrial and modern and was done by Catherine and Jarrett from Bungalow Bungahigh.  This was actually done in their basement bathroom – I bet all that shiny metal really did help to brighten it up in there.

Photo via Bungalow Bungahigh

Make an Industrial Table

Love this one!   And all the steps to make the table are over at Frugal Farmhouse Design.  Lisa even gives pictures of all the parts you need to do the base!  It is a great tutorial!

Photo via Frugal Farmhouse Design

Cover your Countertop

I think this looks amazing and has me seriously reconsidering any idea of going with stone for any future countertop projects.  This project was done by Lindsey @ The Pleated Poppy

Photo via The Pleated Poppy

Make a Faux Mirror

This is so beautiful!  Jenni @ Beautiful Nest created this faux mirror out of a vintage window and backed it with some galvanized sheet metal!  Gorg!

Photo via Beautiful Nest

Stencil a Planter

I love this idea!  Can’t you see this as a great way to show your house number or family name?  Amanda @ Reloved Rubbish is responsible for this little beauty.  And she has done a TON of galvanized projects!

Photo via Reloved Rubbish

So there you go!  A ton of great ideas to “galvanize” you into action this spring!  So tell me – do you love galvanized metal?  Have you ever done any projects with it?  Are you inspired to do some now?  I wanna know!

[ March 23, 2011 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

Wowza!  249 entries!  You guys love a little lighting!  I always love seeing what people would use their gift code for – it is so fun!

So who won this time?  Well according to Random.org – the winner was number 23 and that is

Amy Witherstine

Now Amy didn’t say what she would get with her gift code but she does have her own Usborne Book site – you should hop over and check it out. 

Congrats to Amy and thanks for entering! 

[ March 20, 2011 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

I had some of my best friends in this weekend for a little girls weekend!  It was a blast – we had so much fun.  But that gave me a lot less time to work on any “big projects” this weekend.  So instead – I want to share with you something “small” that makes a big difference to me.

So this was our Living Room the last time I shared it with you guys.  I had just added the art behind the couch – centered of course.

Now at this point – I said I had two things I wanted to do.  One was to replace those ugly vertical blinds – that is still in the works due to the loss of some necessary parts from a trip to Ikea.  The other thing was to get some new baskets for the coffee table. 

I have looked high and low for baskets for about 6 months straight.  Never was able to find any that I loved.  Until just recently.  Check it out!

Living Room - baskets

They are so perfect!  I love the neutral liners and the multi colored woven look.  Here is a closer look.

Baskets - close up

Aren’t they lovely?  And you wanna guess where I found them?  You will never believe that these beauties came from Kroger.  Yep – we have a fancy Kroger Marketplace with a full home goods section.  So these were on sale for about $7 a piece and I knew I had to have them.


Love em!  They are going to be perfect for the lil man to keep his stuff in once he gets into the crawling phase!  They really make me so happy – sometimes it is just the little things!

So what about you?  Made any little changes in your house recently that you are just in love with?

Linking this to

Metamorphosis Monday with Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch
Make It Your Day with Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden

Before and After Party with Sarah @ Thrifty Decor Chick 

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