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[ July 31, 2010 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

July has been a busy month! Here is a quick recap on my favorite posts in case you missed them the first time around.

DIY and Crafty Goodness
My favorite project this month was where I turned a Poster into a Faux Painting!  This was such a fun project and I just loved your great responses on it.  Many thanks to Lindsay over at Living with Lindsay for featuring it in her Teach Me Tuesday feature this week!  I also loved that Camille @ Mother★Lode featured it in her Tuesday Tumbler.

I decided to think outside the box with my $1 Yard Sale Mirror and come up with six ways to transform it!  I really loved doing this project, really made me think outside the box.  It even lead me to create my Cardboard Chalkboard in the end!  I also want to thank Julia @ Hooked on Houses for featuring me in her weekly roundup!

Decorating Around the House 
I finally got a new coffee table!  You guys know how long I have been wanting that checked off the list!  Of course there is still a long list of things to do to get the room "finished" or at least finished until I change my mind!

I also shared with you guys how we decorated around the TV with some light white accents.  I think it is just enough for things around the sides without being too distracting.

Inspiration Ideas
In honor of the 4th of July and backyard BBQ's everywhere - I shared some ideas for Backyard Party Spaces.  I still love drooling over this picture! 
SchappacherWhite Ltd. traditional patio

I also shared some great ideas from my MIL, Lynn's house.  I think everyone loved her fantastic headboard that she made out of an old door!

Shopping Tips and Finds  
Of course there were a lot of great yard sale finds over the month that haven't been transformed yet, like this set of cute oval frames for $2.  Stay tuned for what is going to happen with those and the other yard sale finds that I working on making over! 

I also gave you a run down on my tips for shopping at Ikea.  You have to have a game plan people!! 

I also did a round up of some great summery window treatments.  I think by far everyone's favorite panels were these from JCPenney!

From All Around the Web

I loved the Trellis Wall that Kate @ The Centsational Girl did on her Master Bedroom Wall.

I found this idea for using Lazertran paper to put graphics on ceramics from Jenn @ Rook No. 17.  

I adore these beautiful smocked curtains that Wendy @ The Shabby Nest made herself!!  I really want to do this for our bedroom! 

What about you?  What was your favorite post of the month?  Yours, mine, or something someone else wrote - feel free to link it up and share with all of us! 

[ July 30, 2010 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

You guys may have noticed that clock on the right side of my blog that is counting down the days! Well I am very excited to tell you guys that I am mere days away from opening my brand spanking new Open Sky Shop!
What is Open Sky? It is a new way of bringing back the bond between a shopkeeper and the customer. The Open Sky platform is based on bringing together “experts” and turning them into Shopkeepers. Most of these new Shopkeepers are bloggers from across a variety of niches, from home decor to cooking to gardening. These Shopkeepers then stock their stores with products they believe in and think that their readers would love. They believe that when you buy from people you know and trust that it is the best way to shop. And that’s a philosophy I can get behind!

Photo by Tao_Zhyn

Each Shopkeeper gets to set up their shop with just the things they personally select and choose. This isn’t Open Sky’s shop that I send you a link to go visit. This is my shop and I have complete executive control over what products are selected! I am excited to have this shop as a platform that is the perfect natural development of one of my goals for this blog.

How does this fit in with my mission here on Frugal with a Flourish? One of my big focuses when making this blog was to make sure it wasn’t just all about DIY and craft projects. Because a lot of us either aren’t uber crafty or we just don’t have the time! So I have focused a lot on this blog with bringing you affordable ideas for decorating your home with things that you love.
Photo by Ewen-M

This shop is a natural extension of that very idea! I think you all know how much I enjoy being your own little “personal shopper” and I can’t wait now to be able to stock my very own store with products that I think you will love and cherish. Full disclosure here – I will share in the profits of my shop, but I am only going to stock items that I think you will enjoy and that will add value for you! And of course, they will have to be affordable too! You people know I can’t pass up a good deal!

I can’t wait to get in and get things added – I get to start doing that next week! So the question for you guys is – what would you like to see? Are there things you have searched in vain for all over? What can I help find for you? Give me some feedback and I guarantee you I will incorporate it! I can’t believe all the wonderful love and support you guys have given me over the last 9 months! It means a lot! Smooches to you all.

Your Soon-to-be-Shopkeeper,

[ July 29, 2010 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

There seems to be a divide out there in the design world.  In one camp, those who would insist that the TV Wall should remain blank to not draw attention away from the screen.  There is another camp that seems fine with putting all kinds of stuff around it.  Today, I would like to present arguments for either side and find out where you stand on the issues!

I like the idea of abstract placement of these clocks around the edges of the television - almost framing it.
Image via Pottery Barn

However, the feature on this wall is the TV.  The rest of the decorative details and the color is left to the other parts of the room.

James Woolum Design Inc | Architecture + Interiors modern living room

On the other hand, this collection of numbered prints is both whimsical and playful and feels less stark.
Image via Pottery Barn

Counterpoint goes to soaring white walls and warm contemporary furnishings. 

GAS architects contemporary living room

But the symmetry in these details is also calming. Especially with the blue green prints and soft greenery.
Dwellings eclectic family room

But do you really want a bunch of stuff distracting you when you watch golf? (I know my answer is yes -pluueeaaasse!)

Gast Architects: Projects modern living room

But maybe you don't need a lot of stuff? Just a shelf with some small details?

Shoshana traditional family room

Or should the details be focused where the conversation is instead of where the TV is?

Living Room Photos: HGTV Green Home 2009 : Green Home : Home & Garden Television  living room

At the same time, should you really forsake great vertical space that could be valuable storage?  I can't ever find it in my heart to argue against storage!

study contemporary media room

So many questions, yet the divide is so great!  What camp are you in - keep it blank or show it some love and add some details? Do any of the pictures just "call" to you? I think I am in the middle - but leaning towards doing something besides just a TV! Now I just have to come up with what!

Linking this up to The Inspired By party with Melissa @ The Inspired Room.  Hop over and get some more inspiration!

[ July 29, 2010 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

So, I know you have had a burning question since last week.  What is she going to do with the yard sale mirror???  Well I have decided after much debate that I liked the idea of doing a chalkboard best.  I had just the place for it in the kitchen and thought it would be a fun place to put a menu or to do list!

So for starters - I decided to make the chalkboard part of the board out of cardboard.  I know what you are thinking - your going to make a chalkboard out of cardboard?  Yep - I sure am.  And here is why - there was a perfectly sized piece of cardboard in the back of the frame of the yard sale mirror.  No cutting, no measuring - it is already there.  So I sprayed my lil piece of cardboard with two coats of chalkboard spray paint and then rubbed down the surface with chalk. 

Its so thin!  But it works - you can write on it, erase and then write again!  Chalkboard in a can might be one of the coolest thing has ever been created.

So here is the finished product all hung up in our kitchen!  I love it!  That was our very healthy dinner!  (With ice cream - of course!  Gotta save my calories for something!)

And a shot from a little farther back - with my bird plates

Sigh - who knew I could love a piece of cardboard that much!

So the question of the day is - have you ever used Chalkboard Spray paint and if so what for?  If not - what would you love to spray some on to make some instant Chalkboard magic?  Inquiring minds want to know!

Linking this up to

[ July 28, 2010 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

When it comes to storage, we typically all reach for
  1. Your standard wicker basket 
  2. A Large Plastic Gallon Tote 
  3. An Old Cardboard Box
Yet I think finding cute affordable storage pieces that move beyond blah basics is key to incorporating storage into your decor.  Here are eight great affordable options!  Enjoy!

File all your subscriptions in style with these blue patterned magazine holders from Ikea and you get a four pack for $2.99! 

Next up - how about an adorable clothes hamper your kids will LOVE to put their clothes in.  How cute is this?  
Wicker Frog Hamper - Home Decorators Outlet - $39.00

Target has a whole line of vintage painted milk crates.  I am sure you could find something similar at a flea market or antique store but these might save you some hunting through piles of stuff! 
Apple Print Milk Crate - Target - $34.99

What about this set of storage totes? Extremely practical and perfect for the back of the car or for pre-packed pool/sports/playdate totes!  And you can't beat the price for three!
Set of Three Storage Totes - Walmart - $10.88

Garage storage never looked so ... well appropriate! These corrugate cardboard boxes feature a cute design and are made from 90% recycled paper.
Set of 2 Habol Boxes - Ikea - $2.99

I don't know if I can express to you how much I love the Liberty of London Pattered Storage pieces from Target.  Here are two great options.  These prints are fabulous! 
Floral Print Media Box - Target - $6.99

And last but not least - here is one more adorable set from Ikea!  The stripes seem so summery!
Set of Three Kajsa Boxes - Ikea - $16.99

So there we go - eight cute storage options!  Which one is your favorite?  Do you try to incorporate storage into your decor?  I wanna know!  I will be posting some additional finds over on my Facebook Page later today so be sure to hop over and check it out! 

[ July 25, 2010 | Posted in | Add Comment | ]

So this weekend,I did not do any thrifting. This is for two reasons. One - it is freaking HOT here! Two - the hubby told me I needed to finish up all the "projects" I brought home before I adopted any more. So - my project for this weekend was revamping this Welcome Sign I got last weekend for $2.

If you remember - I was debating if I should do it blue gray or navy.  You guys all weighed in (which I very much appreciate) and I was considering all of this when I stood in the paint aisle.  And instead of going grey blue or navy blue - I went ... Bahama Sea Blue (Krylon brand).  Something about the turquoise color really called to me.

So I got home and gave the sign a couple coats.  And it came out a little too bright.  Ok - actually A LOT too bright. 

Ummm... yeah, not quite what I was going for actually.  However, I remembered that when I did my spring apples that came out a little too bright that Heidi from Heart & Home recommended using a little brown shoe polish to bring them down a couple notches.  So I pulled that out and gave the sign a little wash and I think the finished project came out right where I wanted it.  So what do you think?

  I like it much better!  The shoe polish gives it an more aged weathered look.

Actually - it almost looks more like ironstone or metal than ceramic now due to the gloss finish on the spray paint!  I LOVE it!

Here is a better shot of our entryway!  Isn't it cute?

So cute - that is IF you take out the creepy ghost child hand (so dubbed by Miss Cape on the Corner).  Seriously - we lived here for a month before I noticed it was there. 

Either way I like it!  (Though I must find a way to exorcise the Ghost Child.) What tips do you have to "modify" a paint job that has come out too bright?  And do you have any idea how to get white paint off brick??  Lemme know!

Linking this up with 

And I am linking this up to the CSI Project's Spray Paint Challenge!
Visit thecsiproject.com

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