After the beautiful weekend we had last weekend, this weekend it has been cold and cloudy. Though (thankfully) we did not get any more snow. All the more reason for my obsession with spring colors! Since we have already hit up pink, yellow, and blue - it is time to move on to green.
I love the way you can look at a hillside of trees and watch them go from grey to green as the leaves come out in the spring.
I think the bright green that first comes out in spring is so refreshing and energizing. Which is why, for today, I decided to focus on green in a home office. Green is a great color for an office, because it can represent new ideas, creativity and of course money! I love the way it is used in the offices below.
So I did some running around online to find you guys so cute chic green office pieces! These are all just me surfing around online - no one gives me anything to find these for you guys!
So, let's run through these picks! The neutral base for this set is the Liatorp Desk from Ikea for $299. I like the classic lines of the desk and the fact that it is a larger piece that grounds the room. Starting from the top right we have:
- A Green Throw from Ikea for $7.99
- A Pair of Curtains from Ikea for $59.99
- A 5' x 7'6 Green Area Rug from Overstock for $57.99
- A 2 pack of Magazine Files from Ikea for $2.99
- A 2 pack of CD Boxes from Ikea for $3.99
- A 2 pack of Paper Storage Boxes from Ikea for $5.99
- A 2 pack of Magazine Storage Boxes from Ikea for $11.99
- A Decorative Throw Pillow from Overstock for $27.99
- A Green Wall Clock from for $6.99
- A Green Side Chair from Ikea for $89.99
- A Green Handmade Paper Desk Set from Crane and Co. for $24.99
I am in LOVE with those Ikea desk accessories! So cute and so affordable!
Do you have a home office or a "office space"? Is it decorated or is it just functional? Ours is more functional because of the lack of space, but I am hoping to change that soon!
Do you have a home office or a "office space"? Is it decorated or is it just functional? Ours is more functional because of the lack of space, but I am hoping to change that soon!